About Us
Kelly-Anne Byres from KBL Accounts Limited
KBL Accounts launched in 2011 with just a handful of clients. It now boasts more than 200 and four members of staff. At the helm is director Kelly-Anne Byres, a multi award-winning businesswoman and accountant who has been recognised on a regional and national level for her skills and dedication.
One of Management Today's 35 Women Under 35, she boasts a level of business prowess which helps her understand the specific needs of her customers and deliver a superior service to her clients.
Why choose us?
We are not your everyday accountants. We understand that every business is different and has a unique set of objectives, goals and requirements. As such, we can create a bespoke package to meet your specific needs.
Our Philosophy
At KBL Accounts our services are designed to help you do what you do best – run your own business. With this in mind, we have developed a philosophy to listen, understand and act with your best interests at heart. We put your businesses requirements first, minimising your liability for tax, helping you make the most of your money, assisting you with your financial plans, opportunities and investments. We also provide effective, efficient and sound business advice.
Our customers range from large corporations and limited companies to partnerships, freelancers and sole traders. To cater for all we create bespoke accounting packages which consider the aims, ambitions and requirements of each individual client. Our services include accountancy, bookkeeping, payroll and taxation as well as financial statements, cash flow forecasting, company filing and workplace pensions. We handle corporation tax, self-assessment, self-employment, company directorships, unearned income, property rental and tax dividends.
Please check our services to find out more.